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Why Christmas 2020 is important to recognise your staff with more than a gift card

by Heather Stone | November 6, 2020

Why Christmas 2020 is important to recognise your staff with more than a gift card.

What a year we have all had.  Doesn’t matter who you are or who you work for, it has been tough going.  If you work in retail, you have faced people, not knowing if you are at risk and if you are in corporate business the likelihood is you worked from home and still are, doesn’t matter if you like working from home or not you are disconnected from other people and hoping your job is still safe. 

This year more than ever, staff need to be recognised for adapting to the new normal and working in situations, we never thought we would see. 

A Christmas gift this year needs to be thoughtful.  It doesn’t need to be expensive, just thoughtful and maybe with a nice note from the boss showing their appreciation. 

An authentic and personalised recognition will mean more to the employee receiving it; it is about them and their specific contribution. It builds a stronger bond between the giver and receiver and creates a greater sense of feeling valued and appreciated during a time when we are working remotely or in difficult situations. Working as a team but not together. 

Ditch the gift card and think of a branded item for summer, a cheeseboard, a piece of technology or something as simple as a hamper or Christmas confectionery.

Whatever this year brings, make it personal and thoughtful.  Please talk to us about Christmas ideas and branding.  We can make it that easy.